Gen. Mark Milley on a 'mistake' he made with Trump | Dear USA, no any communist Republican should be on chair of President, including KGB agents like the DeSantis, Pence, Trump or Elon Mask, they are fully pro russian figurs, Trump told to Putler that he let him to make the USSR 2.0, and he started it from Karabag war, Trump want to isolate USA, but if it happen again, and USA and USD will be zero, when Terrorussia win the war, it is mean open dor, for China to attack to Taiwan, and others to other. Do not make a mistake.

Dear USA, no any communist Republican should be on chair of President, including KGB agents like the DeSantis, Pence, Trump or Elon Mask, they are fully pro russian figurs, Trump told to Putler that he let him to make the USSR 2.0, and he started it from Karabag war, Trump want to isolate USA, but if it happen again, and USA and USD will be zero, when Terrorussia win the war, it is mean open dor, for China to attack to Taiwan, and others to other. Do not make a mistake.
