Elon Mosow and KGB Trumpets should be on death chair for traitorizm. Otherwise full communism on Earth. KGB can recruit to anyone, like the Slovakian PM, Hungarian PM, Armenian, Georgian, Azerbayjani, Syrian, Mali, Central African, Argentinian, Brasilian, they help with brainwash and then you will be forever slave, if one back run, You will be killed, like the Ahmat Kadyrov, Prigozhin and many of other, like the 1998 Armenian KGB parliament, and many other proofs. | Harut Hajin

Elon Mosow and KGB Trumpets should be on death chair for traitorizm. Otherwise full communism on Earth. KGB can recruit to anyone, like the Slovakian PM, Hungarian PM, Armenian, Georgian, Azerbayjani, Syrian, Mali, Central African, Argentinian, Brasilian, they help with brainwash and then you will be forever slave, if one back run, You will be killed, like the Ahmat Kadyrov, Prigozhin and many of other, like the 1998 Armenian KGB parliament, and many other proofs. | Harut Hajin
