Fareed to tucker Carlson: You need to get out more | He is recruited KGB agent like the Trump, Elon Mask, Elon bought twitter for brainwash, he made payable blue badge for taking attention from russian fake accounts, which make anti Western propoganda. If US people choose Trump, remember, China will take Taiwan, Russia will make USSR 2.0, Middle East will be in chaos, Caucasus will be in chaos, African countries will start the wars, USA will be zero, and will become nothing. Remember My words. | Harut Hajin

He is recruited KGB agent like the Trump, Elon Mask, Elon bought twitter for brainwash, he made payable blue badge for taking attention from russian fake accounts, which make anti Western propoganda. If US people choose Trump, remember, China will take Taiwan, Russia will make USSR 2.0, Middle East will be in chaos, Caucasus will be in chaos, African countries will start the wars, USA will be zero, and will become nothing. Remember My words.
