
'Shameful, weak, dangerous': Biden campaign rips KGB Trumpler for embracing putler | He is recruited KGB agent which must be in heaven chair by CIA, or you will destroy and USA and peace in World. | HARUT HAJIN

Fareed to tucker Carlson: You need to get out more | He is recruited KGB agent like the Trump, Elon Mask, Elon bought twitter for brainwash, he made payable blue badge for taking attention from russian fake accounts, which make anti Western propoganda. If US people choose Trump, remember, China will take Taiwan, Russia will make USSR 2.0, Middle East will be in chaos, Caucasus will be in chaos, African countries will start the wars, USA will be zero, and will become nothing. Remember My words. | Harut Hajin

'Putin is trolling the entire world' with Navalny's death: Bill Browder ... | Remove trump from the Earth, and putler will be removed by itself. | Harut Hajin

Former top Trump adviser reveals why 'Putin thinks he is an easy mark' | Trump recruited KGB agent. Like the Orban, Aliyev, Tokayev, Pashinyan and many others, including Elon Mask, why you think KGB agent works like a CIA, they are do not show everything. Even Nikky can be KGB agent, which just takes votes from the Biden and in end coalition with the Trumpets. If USA want to be removed t=from the map, ok, be with Trumpets. (Harut Hajin)

‘Take Trump seriously’: Hillary Clinton’s warning on Trump’s potential p... Trump recruited KGB agent, and Elon Mask bought Twitter for propoganda, and they will ruin the USA, remember. | HARUT HAJIN

putin and trump: a new axis against NATO and Ukraine? | To the Point | trump recruited KGB agent, like the Elon Mask, I will repeat until someone from CIA will put them both in to "good" chair.

The prime minister torn between TerrorRussia and the West | Exclusive

Elon Mosow and KGB Trumpets should be on death chair for traitorizm. Otherwise full communism on Earth. KGB can recruit to anyone, like the Slovakian PM, Hungarian PM, Armenian, Georgian, Azerbayjani, Syrian, Mali, Central African, Argentinian, Brasilian, they help with brainwash and then you will be forever slave, if one back run, You will be killed, like the Ahmat Kadyrov, Prigozhin and many of other, like the 1998 Armenian KGB parliament, and many other proofs. | Harut Hajin

Elon Moscow and KGB Trumpets should be on death chair for traitorism. Otherwise full communism on Earth. | Harut Hajin

Tucker, Trump, Elon Mask, Nikky recruited by KGB ! Remember this, and see how USA will be ruined, if they live will more. | Harut Hajin

Trump and Elon Mask should be in jail, or You will live under Communism, after elections. You will see wars and pain. | Harut Hajin